NEWS ITEM No. 1 Winter
Toronto District School Board school grounds guidelines: Transforming
the Schoolyard: How local school communities design and build their playground
learning environments
The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) is now at the leading edge of
school boards that support and promote school grounds transformation.
You can use the example set by the TDSB to encourage your own school board
to support school grounds transformation. The following is adapted from
an article published in the TDSB Parents' Environmental Network Newsletter,
Vol. 7, No. 1 Winter 2000/2001.
The planning process offers schoolyard design teams new choices for outdoor
play, exercise, creativity, learning and health.
Taking a new look at School Grounds
There was dismay and anger when some Toronto schools and families learned
that their schoolyard play structures had been removed by the Toronto
District School Board (TDSB) during the summer of 2000 due to liability
concerns arising from the revised CSA play equipment safety standards.
To redress this situation, the TDSB struck a committee in the fall of
2000 to look at the bigger picture of school grounds and not just at the
play structure issue. The committee's mandate was to review all the options
for school grounds design and to offer individual schools a wide range
of alternative choices when considering play structure replacement.
The design committee was made up of a diverse group of school and community
representatives including parents, teachers, trustees, school administrators
and support staff, school committees, community groups, child care and
special needs advisors, facility services staff and landscape architects.
The result of their work is a document entitled Transforming the
Schoolyard: How local school communities design and build their playground
learning environments. It presents an inclusive design process for
schools to follow. The process invites school communities to assemble
a design committee to work with a consultant provided by the Board to
create a design for "an exemplary Playground Learning Environment". The
document and the process encourage everyone involved in redesigning a
schoolyard to take a long-term, comprehensive perspective on the potential
for transforming the whole of the outdoor area.
Transforming School Groundsis thought-provoking. It is illustrated
with many photographs, diagrams and sketches to show what our school grounds
could be.
Design for the Whole Child: Diversity, Beauty,
Transforming School Grounds offers a broad and well-documented
choice of natural and built elements. It helps school design teams envision
an "Exemplary Playground Learning Environment" and provides the tools
required to achieve it. It focusses on creating healthy outdoor spaces
that increase children's sense of well-being and offer more diversity
and beauty and more opportunities for safe, active play and social interaction,
formal and informal learning, and environmental stewardship.
"An exemplary playground will be a remarkable community resource - a
transformed natural landscape for children and adults to experience and
enjoy as well as an imaginative and safe environment in which to play,
learn and meet."
Design choice is up to individual schools
It is important to note that the choice of school grounds transformation
projects is up to individual schools. Transforming School Grounds
draws from a wide variety of possible schoolyard projects and helps school
communities consider how to make the most of all of their school grounds
resources in both the immediate and the longer term. The document provides
ideas for projects and activities that are not usually included in the
traditional design of school grounds.
New play structures and the more typical elements of playgrounds such
as places for active play and sports are shown in drawings and photographs
and their approximate prices are given. TheTransforming School Grounds
design process encourages looking at alternative uses for schoolyards
to provide creative playing, socializing, teaching and learning opportunities.
The many benefits of outdoor learning environments
In reading through Transforming School Grounds, one is able
to visualize outdoor school environments that are quite different from
the stark, paved areas of the typical schoolyard. It conjures up images
of a diverse area with open spaces for a variety of sports and games,
sheltered green places for quiet play, games and other social activities,
outdoor classroom spaces, landscaped areas for exploration and colourful
murals to brighten the outdoors, particularly during the drab Winter months.
Perhaps the most engaging and hopeful aspect of this opportunity for
schools to redesign their grounds is that the TSDB has fully embraced
what has been happening at the grassroots level in Canada and around the
world for the past fifteen years - using school grounds as a vital educational
A growing number of schools and their communities are discovering the
many opportunities that outdoor classroom spaces can offer for teaching
a diverse range of formal curricula including, science, geography, mathematics,
language, history, drama, art and music.
Spaces in the schoolyard that have been little used are being transformed
into a fascinating diversity of gardens, wildlife habitat and shaded seating
areas for learning outdoors. Teachers and students are discovering that
their own school grounds can become a destination for field trips that
require no complicated arrangements, payment, permission forms, transportation
or advance planning. They are learning together about how their grounds
can be used for the study of geology, soils, soil erosion, life cycles,
plant and animal communities, seasonal changes, hibernation, seed dispersal,
plant identification and classification, food growing and food security
issues. They are developing creative thinking and long-term planning skills
and learning how to consider all factors through a hands-on approach to
re-designing their school grounds and implementing and maintaining projects.
Hands-on learning and achievement
Academic research shows that learning in the outdoors benefits students
intellectually, psychologically and socially. In a comprehensive north
American study, Closing the Achievement Gap, Dr. Gerald Lieberman
has gathered convincing evidence of students' enhanced academic achievement
and information retention levels when using the Environment as an Integrative
Context (EIC) for Learning. Authentic, hands-on learning is a powerful
reinforcer of classroom textbook learning. Contact with the natural world
has a demonstrably positive effect on a student's ability to contextualize
Learning for the future
In 1999, the TDSB created what is reputedly the first Department of Environmental
Education in a Canadian public school board. The creation of this department
is the result of a growing awareness that students need to know how to
make wise choices with respect to the use of finite natural resources
and health of the environment.
Developing school grounds as a resource for learning about the environment
can greatly contribute to teachers' and students' understanding of natural
cycles and processes, and the importance of keeping them clean and healthy,
and the connections between human health and the health of the natural
Many schools are involving students in planting trees and learning as
they do so about how trees help to offset climate change by absorbing
carbon dioxide, prevent soil erosion, reduce energy consumption by providing
natural cooling in warm weather and wind-breaks in Winter, create habitat
for wildlife, provide shade to help protect us from harmful ultra-violet
rays and also add beauty and variety to schoolyards.
In these times of funding cutbacks, there is some skepticism regarding
the level of funding that will be available to make the suggestions contained
in Transforming School Grounds a reality. However, the many examples
of school grounds transformation projects in Canada and elsewhere prove
that a lot can be accomplished with relatively little money. The TDSB
's Transforming School Grounds is definitely worth a good look
- you may never think about your child's schoolyard the same way again!
Three copies of Transforming School Grounds are available at
all TDSB elementary and middle schools.